Sunday, May 27, 2012

I don't remember when the idea to cloth diaper hit me. I think it was when I was living in a cabin circa 1790 with very few modern amenities and my sons were older. I think that's when I starting thinking about the fact that the diapers I used when they were little were still festering in a landfill somewhere. When one lives in a situation where water is purchased in small amounts and brought to the home, or where one uses the bathroom beneath the large expanse of begins to think about one's effect and PLACE within the environment. 

I think humans have forgotten this important fact: we are animals. We have a natural place in the environment, but we have isolated ourselves from it with concrete, "logic," and walls. Because of this, we are systematically destroying our own environment. 

I've always had a love of nature, even though my early childhood was spent in the city, in a trailer park with a yard that consisted mostly of dirt. I loved to pet bees back then and they'd let me. I was never stung unless I stepped on one by accident. Later, it was trees...I love trees and their wisdom and energy. As a teen, I'd escape from my brooding into the woods, and climb a tree to watch a red tailed hawk care for her babies. She didn't seem to mind my being there, as long a I kept my distance and I always did. 

As a kid, I loved observing nature, but I still didn't see myself as PART of it. That was not until adulthood, when I was about 24 and my sons were 4 and 5 years old. 

My sons are now 15 & 17 years old and much has changed since they were young. I am now expecting my third child, a little girl. She is due September 10th and I plan to use cloth diapers rather than petroleum based disposables. 

And that's about all I know at this point. 

Searching the internet for information on cloth diapering is like sitting in a room full of mother-in-laws and asking them what is good and bad during pregnancy. You get a hell of a lot of information, most of which you can probably do without. 

Just the terms alone are difficult to navigate! AIO...2IO...covers, inserts, doublers, flats, hybrids, prefolds, wool balls, cd-friendly ointment, etc. Everyday I find a new term, then I need to research to discover what the heck it means and whether or not it is vital to my child not ending up with a yeast infection on her tiny heiney. 

What I have discovered so far is that: 

There are two different overall types: sized diapers ( newborn, s, m, l), and one-size diapers, which are adjustable by simply move the snaps to accommodate your baby. These can be used from birth to potty-training. 

AIO = all in one...these diapers are much like disposables, except you don't throw them away (of course), but when they are soiled or wet, you simply put them in the diaper pail to be washed later (after spraying out the poo, of course) It is just as it says, all in one. 

2IO = two pieces in one. Now I'm still not clear on this...I THINK this means the pocket ones where you have inserts (super soft, wool, cotton or microfiber fabric inserts) that you "insert" into a pocket in the diaper. The diaper itself also has a fabric interior, so when the baby soils or wets in the diaper, you can't reuse the cover, it must all be washed. I'm still learning, so this could be wrong and I might be describing what the term "pocket diapers." 

Hybrids = diapers that can be used using cloth inserts or disposable inserts. Examples of these are the GDiapers...the disposable inserts can actually be flushed down the toilet, when used correctly. I don't know if they have pockets or if you just use "flats"inside a cover. I have to continue my research. 

Doublers = just as it sounds, they double...and in this case, they double the fabric (thus the absorbancy) of the diaper. You can buy these in addition to your diapers. There are all sorts of them...wool, bamboo, cotton, microfiber, etc. 

Flats - I'm not sure exactly what these are. I don't know if they are like prefolds (to be discussed next) and need to be folded before placed in a cover, or if they are additional lining for a diaper or what, but they are mentioned a lot on cd (cloth diapering) message boards and groups. 

Prefolds = exactly a it sounds. they are cloth diapers that are prefolded to make it easy to put on your baby. These are the type you often picture when you think of a cloth diaper. Rectangular and prefolded in thirds, with the widest part being the center. 

Covers - These are waterproof covers that you put over your prefolds. They don't have to be washed every time the baby soils or wets and can be wiped out and reused immediately. From what I've researched, prefolds and covers are the most economical way to cd. 

Wool balls = used in the dryer...not sure of the purpose, but I have a feeling it's to help prep the diapers (I'll discuss this later) or it's to add to the softness. Not sure. 

CD-friendly ointment = A lot of ointments are not good for cloth diapers! They can actually deteriorate the diapers when used with them, so goodbye, Desitin! There are lots of cd-friendly butt ointments online and in cd-ing shops, if you're lucky enough to have one near you (I'm not). 

Without a neighborhood CD-ing shop, I'm out in the internet world, treading information like a shipwrecked survivor treading water in the sea, but I am learning. 

So far I have purchased only 5 cloth diapers. I've gotten the KaWaii Heavywetters, which have gotten excellent reviews from lots of boards and groups and even a reliable human resource who says she used them exclusively. These are one-size, and they are either considered AIO or 2IO...they have a pocket, 2 microfiber inserts and the interior is super-duper soft cloth. They come in an array of colors and adorable prints. I chose an animal print that is gender neutral. The only preparation they require is to be washed and dried before use, because they are microfiber. 

Looking at them now, on their smallest setting, I think they will fall off of my newborn, but we'll see. 

I've created a registry, with much of the focus on cloth diapers and accessories. I hope people get things like that rather than cutesy outfits. I've tried to stress that, because diapers are a necessity for sure and it does cost quite a bit at the front to get started. A lot of people on boards say they registered for diapers and not none...or people bought disposables instead, because they "didn't think cloth was a good idea," or they thought they parents "would end up switching to disposables anyway." 

I really hope this doesn't happen, but we'll see. 

On the registry, I've added different types of diapers, so I can experiment with what works best for my baby. I asked for a few newborn size, after seeing how big the KaWaii diapers are on the smallest setting. I though about the umbilical cord and the fact that I want it to be outside the diaper until it falls off, so I think NB size will accommodate that well. 

I also asked for prefolds and covers, because they are cheaper and I've heard they work well these days. I went for the ones with 5 stars and lots of reviews with cute covers with the same. 

I've not gone for the hybrids...the only ones I've really seen are GDiapers and with the reviews I've seen and the conversations I've seen on boards, I think I'll pass. Sounds like they have a lot of leaks and blowouts and who wants to deal with more of those than is normal? Not this girl! 

I'l get some pictures uploaded on here soon. For now, I just wanted to give an overview. It's a lot to take in...and I think it's best to go slow! 

Good resources I've found online for purchasing and learning about cloth diapering: 

I purchased my KaWaii's from LuvYourBaby...I must post this warning. Do not wait until the last minute to order these. It took a few weeks for me to get them. They actually ship from Canada. However, they have a good inventory...Kelly's Closet had them on back order. 

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