Sunday, July 22, 2012

I find it funny...

It's funny to me that when I or my husband mention that we're going to use cloth diapers, the response is almost always, "good luck with the cloth diapers." The tone is not genuine, but somewhat if the whole experience will be horrible and we are naive new parents who have an idealized view of baby diapering.

However, anyone who has ever diapered a baby, including myself knows that besides the washing, disposables come with their own slew of least they did for me.

1. They take hundreds of years to decompose. Diapers I wore as a baby are still in the landfills. That's completely horrible.

2. With my boys, I can't tell you how many time the fronts of their clothes were soaked because they peed straight up and out of their diapers...and there is no way to adjust the absorbency of the front of a disposable diaper to prevent this.

3. Disposable diapers leak...contrary to popular belief, this is not a problem of the cloth diaper alone. They leak. Poop will burst forth from the seams of a disposable diaper just as easily as it will from cloth. You will get pooped on. Cloth or disposable. Period. Sorry.

4. Many babies are allergic to the ingredients in disposable diapers. Case in point, my nephew. My sister wrestled with a terrible, angry red bottom with blisters pretty much the entire time her son was in diapers. :( Cloth wasn't considered, so the only alternative was to switch back and forth between diapers to deal with varying degrees of diaper rash. thankfully he was potty trained fairly early.

5. Diaper rash occurs with either type of diaper. (obviously from #4)

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