Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Doing well!

So far so good with cloth! We have had a couple of blowouts, but that was because I didn't put the cover on tight enough. Lesson learned.

Kathryn's bottom is clearing up quite quickly since the official change. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the creases of her legs were terribly red and raw from the Pampers.

I like prefolds a lot since I've gotten better with the folding. I showed K how to do it, so maybe he'll try to change her soon. He changes her using the KaWaii HeavyWetters, but has yet to try the prefolds.

So glad I took the chance and went with cloth. :-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back to sposies, but...

Only temporarily, thank goodness.

I decided to go back to Pampers Swaddlers Sensitives because Kathryn's umbilical cord was being rubbed by the cloth covers and looked goopy and smelled a little funny. So, we bought out first and only pack of disposable dipes.

The funny thing is, they weren't even necessary, because her umbilical cord fell off the very next day (@ 5 days old), doesn't smell and looks great. I worried for nothing. Apparently the new "do nothing to them" method is more effective than the old alcohol method. It took 2 weeks for my boys to lose theirs the old way.

I'll be glad to get her out of these dipes, because she is getting red and when she pees, it really smells. That doesn't happen with cloth.

She is doing great otherwise! I can't wait to get her little bottom back in some fluff!  :) I'll post a pic this week for sure.

They say using your non-dominate hand is good for brain synapses...if so, this whole nursing while blogging with my left hand is helping me. LOL.
I don't do it much, because I love  interacting with her, but occasionally it is good.

Friday, September 21, 2012

First days

So my beautiful daughter was born on Monday afternoon and we got to start cloth on Wednesday, because her poop switched to the signature yellow, seedy breast milk poop. 

You don't have to wait for the yellow poop, but I wanted to, so I just used the Pampered Swaddlers that the hospital gave to us.

So far, so good with cloth. No leaks and at this point I'm only using prefolds. Covers aren't even necessary because she's not soaking diapers yet.

I washed a load and a few of them stained. This surprised me. I didn't expect it with brewer milk poop. I even washed them twice and then did an extra rinse. They say you don't have to soak them, but I think I will anyway.

Overall, a good experience. I'm still not 100% on the snapee thing. One diaper fell off! Lol! I even feel awkward doing the snaps on the KaWaiis. I'm sure this will get better with practice. I'm not stressed about it. So far I really love the KaWaii Heavywetters. I'd love to get more of them.

I've also used the Gdiapers with the disposable inserts. They work ok now, but I have a feeling when she is older, they will leak. Glad I only bought two of them to try. The disposables can be used in my other covers, so no biggie there.

I need to get a fluff butt pic of her, but she's sleeping and being so young, I prefer to keep her swaddled and cozy. I'll post pics soon.

Here's a pic of her from her very first day. She had fallen asleep in my arms. As a matter of fact, this is how we spent our only night at the hospital. It was great.